Here we are again. The 10th of the month. The day when we show our take on a picture shared by one of the ladies in our group.
This month Cherish shared one of her pictures, below.
This picture is very soft. I feel that this woman is quite playful with her gesture of covering her face with her hands. Is she being timid or flirtatious. Or maybe she is feeling ashamed, shy – clearly she is hiding from the camera. Or did Cherish ask her to cover her face. The manicured nails stand out for me and even without seeing the face of this woman we know that she is one who takes care of her looks.
This is my interpretation from Cherish’s picture.

Where I am from
I am from carved stones
Intricately designed crosses
I come from rugged mountains
Won and conquered
I am from loud voices
Negotiations seeped in familiarity
I am from dreams
Beauty and hope
I am from war and conflict
Sadness and grief
I am from love and survival
Against the odds
I am from a language
Unique and beautiful
I am from two worlds
Neither here nor there, belonging to neither
I am from certainty
At times uncertain
I am from dances
Expressed with graceful hands
I am from a life
Sometimes so beautiful
I am from a life
Lived and unloved
I am from snowy peaks
Little and large
I am from the voice
That speaks for others
I am from wonder
Of this world’s cruelty and kindness
I am from a land of talent
Poetry and music intertwine
I am from many languages
All mixed into one
I am from checkpoints
At many borders
I am from reasoning
When there is no reason for any of it
I am from a diaspora
Dispersed within
I am from generosity
And from high expectations
I am from watermelon
On hot summer evenings
I am from the sea
Right opposite me
I am from grandmothers
Memories of church, culture and language
I am from all these memories

Now go on over to Corinna’s blog to see what goodness she has in store for us.
Lovely. Simply adore these 2 images.
Love seeing you here – and adore beyond words your riffing on “I am from.” Rings so true, all of it.
well, i already gasped for meghan’s image, so i really shouldn’t do so again, but i want to! wonderful words, amazing images. xoxo